Saturday, January 31, 2015

How to choose your work?

A work can be any activities that we do in our daily life. Some works are formal and most are informal works. Formal works are those works that we perform for others, and we get reward from it, in-terms of money or money’s worth while informal works are those works that we do for ourselves. Human beings being the most sensible creatures above all are performing many works for themselves and for others too. But many of us are doing work just for working only, many of us are working for money only but without thinking the benefit that we would be getting in future from doing it. Just imagine how we would be in future if we are benefited by the work that we are doing now.

 We spend our valuable time doing it. Time is money in today’s world, it is called so because we spend time doing any work, either it gives us some reward or not. You are human being who got an incredible power to think and time has come for you to think that the work that you are doing is right for you or not? Now you must be wondering how to decide whether the work that you are about to do is right or wrong,  all you need to ask yourself, is there anyways that this work would give you some benefit or not? If the answer is yes, than congratulations, you are doing a right work.

There are normally three kinds of work, i.e. avoidable work, unavoidable work and emergency work. Avoidable works are those works that is not useful for you, not for now and never would it be in future course. Such works only kill our time, your precious time. Unavoidable works are those works that are really important for you, if not now such work is useful for you in future; you should never avoid such work. Finally emergency works are those works that arises all of a sudden, you need to promptly react to those situations and work for it.

 Well depending upon your future target you can set and make list of your work then categorize it into avoidable work, unavoidable work. For e.g. if someone wants to be film maker, he should make watching movies off course a good movies as his unavoidable work, now. But if someone wants to be doctor he should make watching movie is his avoidable work. The concept is so simple, same work can be avoidable and unavoidable for you depending upon your future target.

 All you need to know what you want to be in future so that you could choose work now. It is said that, a person without aim is dead because they don’t know what to work now and what benefit they going to derive from the work that they are doing for future. So you need to have clear vision of your future so that you can choose your work now.

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